Textbooks for classes

Textbooks for Classes at Mann Middle School Library

Patricia Raczka, School Library Technician II 

[email protected]619-560-4460 Ext. 3071

Page updated: October 30, 2024

San Diego Unified School District requires each student to have an approved textbook or material for each core course they are taking.


Every Fall, at the beginning of the school year, students are brought to the library by their teachers to pick up their course textbooks. Each student will check out a book for each class they are enrolled into, except P.E. and some electives classes. Students may end up checking out up three to five books.

The following is a current list of textbooks required for core courses for middle school students at SDUSD.

Mann Middle School, Course Textbooks 2021 - 2022
Grade Level Course Number Textbook Title Cover Design Available Online Via Clever
ENGLISH 6th 1550;1708 Amplify Education, Amplify ELA/ELD Blue, multiple pictures Yes
MATH 6TH 4133 Amplify Math 6th   Yes
ACCEL MATH 6TH 4136 Amplify Math for Accelerated   Yes
SCIENCE 6TH 6006 Amplify Science White Yes
SOC STU 6TH 6520 Holt, California Social Studies: World History, Ancient Civilizations Green, Egyptian Figure


ENGLISH 7th 1501;1551 Amplify Education, Amplify ELA/ELD Green, multiple pictures Yes
MATH 7th 4134 Amplify Math   Yes
ACCEL MATH 7th 4137 Amplify Math Accelerated   Yes
SCIENCE 7TH 6003 Amplify Science White Yes
WLDHST/ GEO 7 6521 Holt, California Social Studies: World History, Medieval to Early Modern Times Blue, Knight



ENGLISH/ 8th 1520; 1559 Amplify Education, Amplify ELA/ELD Purple, multiple pictures Yes
MATH 8TH 4135 Ampilfy Math   Yes
INTG MATH 1 B ADV (P) 4165, 4166 Pearson, Mathematics 1, Integrated CME Project Green, Geometric Shapes Yes
SCIENCE 8TH 6005 Amplify Science White, purple Yes
USHST & GE0 8 6551 Holt, California Social Studies: Independence to 1914 Red, Train



Additional Courses on Williams Visit Requirement
ELD LEVEL 1, 5TH-8TH 1607 Amplify Education, Amplify ELA/ELD 6th-Blue, 7th-Green, 8th-purple Yes
ELD LEVEL 2, 5TH-8TH 1608 Amplify Education, Amplify ELA/ELD 6th-Blue, 7th-Green, 8th-purple Yes
ELD LEVEL 3, 5TH-8TH 1609 Amplify Education, Amplify ELA/ELD 6th-Blue, 7th-Green, 8th-purple Yes
SPN 2 (P) 2321, 2322 Holt McDougal, Avancemos! Level 1 Dark Blue, City Buildings
APPL MATH 5-8 7303 Pearson AGS, Basic Math Skills Lavender, Geometric Forms
APPL ENG 5-8 7342 Hampton Brown, High Point Level B Orange Ochre, Rock and Landscape
Not Part of Williams Visit Requirements
ELD WITH ALD 2 1350.2 English 3D, ELA Course B Orange, yellow & white
ART Varies
MUSIC Varies Varies Instruments



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